Heat pumps have been making waves throughout the Greater Rochester area in recent years. Known for their all-electric operation and the ability to provide both home heating and cooling, they’ve quickly become the go-to HVAC system throughout New York. However, despite...
Heat pumps are a popular choice for Greater Rochester homes, but there are a few common misconceptions about them that could use clearing up. 1: Heat pumps don’t just heat, they can cool as well, bringing you year-round comfort. 2: Modern heat pumps are...
Though it hasn’t felt much like it lately, summer is just around the corner. Before we know it, it’ll be time to turn on our cooling systems for the first time this year (if you haven’t already). Is your air conditioner ready to take on the heat...
Heat pumps have been gaining popularity due to their heating & cooling capabilities and all-electric operation. While heat pumps have been around for decades, they’ve only become a realistic option for homes in the Greater Rochester area in recent years after...
According to the US Energy Information Administration, more than half of the energy used in a home is for heating and cooling. In an effort to save energy, many homeowners in Monroe County and surrounding areas have looked to heat pumps for an energy efficient...