Wise Home Energy Blog

Learn more about insulation, HVAC, heat pumps and making your home more comfortable and energy efficiency from the Wise experts at Wise Home Energy.

What’s the Best Insulation for My Attic?

What’s the Best Insulation for My Attic?

As one of the most common areas of energy loss in Greater Rochester homes, attics are one of the most important areas to insulate. But with so many insulation materials to choose from, it can be difficult to know what type of insulation is best for your home. Wise...

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Top 3 Heat Pump Myths: Busted

Top 3 Heat Pump Myths: Busted

Heat pumps have been making waves throughout the Greater Rochester area in recent years. Known for their all-electric operation and the ability to provide both home heating and cooling, they’ve quickly become the go-to HVAC system throughout New York. However, despite...

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Heat Pump Mythbuster

Heat Pump Mythbuster

Heat pumps are a popular choice for Greater Rochester homes, but there are a few common misconceptions about them that could use clearing up.   1: Heat pumps don’t just heat, they can cool as well, bringing you year-round comfort.   2: Modern heat pumps are...

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Upgrading to an Energy Efficient Home

Wise Home Energy can help you save energy or go all-electric in your Greater Rochester home with our full-service home upgrades. Our team of experts will start with an energy audit to find out exactly what your home needs to be more efficient, comfortable, and...

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Why is My Upstairs So Hot?

Why is My Upstairs So Hot?

Local temperatures have already surpassed 100 degrees this year and it’s only July! How is your home comfort holding up? The Greater Rochester area is known for its hot and humid summers, but unfortunately that can make maintaining indoor temperatures a challenge for...

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Why Insulation Is Important in the Summer

Why Insulation Is Important in the Summer

The temperatures are steadily rising here in Greater Rochester and many homeowners are looking for ways to stay cool and comfortable this coming summer. While insulation is known for its ability to keep you warm during the winter months, it also provides many...

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How to Prepare Your AC for Summer

How to Prepare Your AC for Summer

Though it hasn’t felt much like it lately, summer is just around the corner. Before we know it, it’ll be time to turn on our cooling systems for the first time this year (if you haven’t already). Is your air conditioner ready to take on the heat...

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Is your home leaking the air you paid to heat and cool?

Contact us for insulation and air sealing services.

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